Hard to believe we're nearly halfway through June already! I haven't had much time to update this (not that anyone really reads this?!?) and finding time to scrap just hasn't happened. BUT--this was my entry for the annual Pagemaps contest a few weeks ago. I used the March '08 sketch and had these pics laying around that seemed to fit it perfect. Poor hubby just can't seem to get back to Mass to catch a Sox game so it's kinda a little joke between us that he's his own little Red Sox Nation wherever the Army sends us. It was a big loser but I loved how it turned out and hubby did too.
The hot summer days have set in here and you can pretty much find us on the lake wakeboarding all summer. YES--I learned how my 2nd try!!!! Got some great pics of my son learning to waterski too so I'm feeling a layout coming on here soon!